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Wetlands - Global Monitoring of Wetland Extent and Dynamics Globe
While wetlands cover less than 5% of Earth’s ice-free land surface they have a significant effect in the global cycling of carbon and water. These environments are major contributors of methane and are particularly projected to be profoundly effected by global climate change.
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Wetlands exert major impacts on global biogeochemistry, hydrology, and biological diversity. The extent and seasonal, interannual, and decadal variation of inundated wetland areas play key roles in ecosystem dynamics. Despite the importance of these environments in the global cycling of carbon and water and to current and future climate, the extent and dynamics of global wetlands remain poorly characterized and modeled, primarily because of the scarcity of suitable regional-to-global remote sensing data for characterizing their distribution and dynamics.

Spaceborne microwave remote sensing offers effective tools for characterizing wetlands since it is particularly sensitive to surface water and to vegetation structure, and it allows monitoring large inaccessible areas on a temporal basis regardless of atmospheric conditions or solar illumination. Through the use of remote sensing instruments, wetlands can be periodically mapped and examined.

Wetland News

ALOS SCANSAR Prototype Classification

An Earth System Data Record for Land Surface Freeze/Thaw State

AMSR-E Land Parameters

An Earth System Data Record for Land Surface Freeze/Thaw State

South America JERS-1 low flood & high flood

North America JERS-1 winter & summer mosaics released.

Alaska wetlands map released.

New wetlands website launched.


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